Sunday, February 20, 2011

[Som] Letter to Director - “review of CVO appointment”

As is apparent from previous post, Prof. Jajoo, CVO of IIMA is alleged to be a prejudiced person inimical to Mr. Bhatt. CVO appears to be committed NOT to inquire in to allegation of corruption against Mr. Bhatt. Here is the leaked letter that Mr. Bhatt wrote to Prof. Barua, Director IIMA requesting "administrative review of CVO appointment".
5 100803 Ketan 2 Director

It is well known that files related to charge-sheet against current CVC Mr. P. J. Thomas were not put up to high powered committee which decided on appointment of CVC. Ditto, at IIMA, it appears that files related to complaints by IIM Computer Center Staff against Prof. Jajoo went missing when Director decided on Prof. Jajoo as new CVO.

Also read the last page of above document. It alleges that Prof. Barua instructed his office staff NOT to receive letters from Mr. Bhatt. Here is the leaked audio MP3 conversation that Mr. Bhatt had with staff in Director's office.

Posted By Blogger to Som at 2/20/2011 09:39:00 AM

[Som] MUST-READ---> letter to CVO of IIM Ahmedabad

Here is the leaked letter that Mr. Bhatt wrote to his CVO, Prof. Jajoo. This is a MUST-READ document.
4 100709 Ketan 2 CVO

It is awkward that CVO of IIMA expects an employee (outside vigilance department) to gather and furnish evidence related to some vigilance complaint that CVO received. This document raises lot many questions related to non-existent vigilance and prejudiced CVO at top management school. Reason why student fees keep rising.

Posted By Blogger to Som at 2/20/2011 09:21:00 AM

[Som] Allegations of corruption at IIM Ahmedabad

Here is the leaked document related to allegation of corruption at IIMA,
Allegations Against Mr Bhatt

As is apparent, and as alleged in ripoff report, even after these allegations, Mr. Bhatt continues to be in employment with IIM Ahmedabad. In retrospect it appears that these allegations were result of Mr. Bhatt asking for sensitive information including those related to appointment of Dean at IIMA.

Posted By Blogger to Som at 2/20/2011 08:59:00 AM

[Som] Appeal to the Whole Commission (CIC)

Here is the appeal from Mr. Bhatt to all of the commissioners at CIC. This appeal is dated 25-Nov-2009 and alleges serious transgressions to senior officials at Central Information Commission. However, as per the ripoff report, none of the commissioners have cared to respond. Reasons for non-responsive CIC become apparent from "Grounds for prayer" in following leaked document,
0 Appeal to the Whole Commission

Moreover, inordinate delay is alleged for deciding following appeals/complaints from Mr. Bhatt
Current Status of Petitions by Mr. Bhatt

Posted By Blogger to Som at 2/20/2011 03:27:00 AM

Saturday, February 19, 2011

[Som] Rejection of review petition

Sorry, forgot to append letter from CIC which rejected review petition due to so called "CIC Management Regulations".

It appears that the review petition sent the office of IC Shailesh Gandhi in to hyper active mode. On 26-Oct-2009, within just 12 days of 14-Oct-2009 review petition, it decided not to permit review petition. Here is the CIC decision taken by an authority who could have possibly acted ultra-vires,
3 Appl-1 091026 CIC 2 Ketan

Posted By Blogger to Som at 2/19/2011 08:42:00 AM

Thursday, February 17, 2011

[Som] Review petition and its rejection

Chronology according to leaked documents and rip-off report,
  • 19-Jan-2009, first set of four petitions filed with CIC. Director immediately embarks on a search mission to find as to who at CIC will decide on these petitions,
  • 04-Apr-2009 Director extends formal invite to Hon. IC Mr. Gandhi, who readily accepts such a tainted invite,
  • 08-Apr-2009 Hon. IC hears and pronounces 4 infirm decisions,
  • 19-May-2009 CIC adopts "CodeOfEthics" in a meeting attended by Hon. IC Mr. Gandhi himself,
  • 30/31-May-2009, Hon. IC Mr. Gandhi stays on IIMA campus to receive hospitality from respondents even while as many as 9 cases are still pending with him. Mr. Bhatt was refused permission to attend discourses of Mr. Gandhi while management of IIMA remained present.
  • 08-Jun-2009 immediately after returning from IIMA, Hon. IC Mr. Gandhi schedules hearing of 4 more cases related to IIMA,
  • 07-Jul-2009 Hon. IC Mr. hears and pronounces 2 infirm decisions and adjourns 2 cases to suit convenience of IIM Ahmedabad (excerpts from this hearing were subject of previous post),

It appears that these events indicating "Malfeasance in office" by IC Shailesh Gandhi prompted Mr. Bhatt to file a review petition on 14-Oct-2009. Here it is (as leaked on Indianleaks),
2a RC-UG-09-10536b5bz

I also found the same on CIC website at

Posted By Blogger to Som at 2/17/2011 09:22:00 AM

[Som] Fake hearing by Shailesh Gandhi

Here is the audio of alleged "fake hearing". This audio was leaked (at indianleaks).

This is how a citizen was robbed of his right to equality before law. This hearing allegedly took place few weeks after Director of IIMA hosted Shailesh Gandhi. In his complaint to CIC Mr. Bhatt alleged that he was denied chance to attend discourses of IC Shailesh Gandhi while management of IIMA remained present. In the tape Shailesh Gandhi is heard extending favors (as alleged in ripoff report) to Secretary of IIM Board of Gov. Since then CIC decision on MoM declaration is awaited.

Do all Babus influence judiciary like this? Is this how other commissioners at CIC conduct themselves?

Send protest emails to these people. Email addresses of commissioners and members of IIMA BoG are available in leaked documents,
"0 Appeal to the Whole Commission.pdf"
"100916 Ketan 2 BoG.pdf"

Posted By Blogger to Som at 2/17/2011 09:00:00 AM

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Please spread word

It is well taken that there are 'n' number of groups/websites discussing larger issues of RTI, corruption and probity in public life.

THIS ONE is a novel attempt in the sense that it advances the same cause with narrow focus on issues at just TWO organizations –viz- CIC New Delhi and IIM Ahmedabad. Please spread word through your email/group/media/etc.

Request all well wishers to help promote THIS through whichever way. And do get back with your suggestions. Please.


Re: Sticky : Introduction

First time visitors are requested to ATLEAST read through two small ripoff reports listed in this "Sticky : Introduction". For convenience of those who prefer suave interface, reciprocal blog is located at


Saturday, February 12, 2011

[Som] Dirty Documents on visit of IC Shailesh Gandhi

Thanks for evite and initiative to start this group blog. Yes it works. There is some anonymity. I realize that my message to group is archived in the form of a blog also. Please delete the test msg sent earlier.

I have seeen the ripoff report and indian leak. Leaked documents are shocking.  I will be populating this group with many other such documents. Here one document reveals lowly conduct by top officials from CIC New Delhi and IIM Ahmedabad.
1 PIO on IC Visit

Very serious. Anybody concerned? Then write to these officials giving link to this post. Email addresses of these people are there in the pdf file above. I am also sending my evite to friends activists. Best.

Posted By Blogger to Som at 2/12/2011 09:10:00 AM

Sunday, February 6, 2011

More about and is a very strong medium to register your protest. All reports filed on this site are well classified and promoted through civil societies internationally. Please have a look at following links,

Ed Magedson - Ripoff Report Founder
Want to sue Ripoff Report?
Why Ripoff Report will not release author information?

Alternately, people may choose to use straight forward and anonymous interface of

Active role played by public will help filing class action suit later on.

  • Request all victims to file their own ripoff (or indianleaks) report related to their experiences with CIC New Delhi, IIM Ahmedabad, or for that matter any other offending institution.
  • Request employees/students of both these organizations also to file their own reports.
  • Whatever, please promote your own reports and leaks by posting links (here in THIS Group) to your complaint.
  • Please also promote THIS Group through your own website, blog, group, twit, whatever.
For the sack of convenience, posts on this blog are categorizes as Must-Read, DocsOfShame-IIM, DocsOfShame-CIC, etc.
Once again, do come back announce your own ripoff/indianleaks reports on this Google Group for benefit of other viewers. Ofcourse we would also love to hear your feedback on this Google Group. Cheers.

Sticky : Introduction

Hi. Recently ripoff reports have appeared alleging many transgressions by top officials of Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad and Central Information Commission (CIC) New Delhi. 

This URL is primarily focused on these and related matters at both these organizations. It attempts to bring wrongdoings in public domain and collate similar experiences by other members of civil society. This is also an attempt to connect victims with each other.
Either choose one of the principal track of discussion,
  1. Docs of Shame - CIC 
  2. Docs of Shame - IIM
OR scroll down to read the blog sequentially. Cheers.